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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to make a Long Distance Relationships work?

A long distance relationship is a situation in which two people have established a romantic conventional relationship and decide to continue while living far away from each other.
Maintaining a long distance relationship takes even more effort than a conventional relationship. What makes it harder are the many details that couples living in close proximity don’t have to deal with. It is a public knowledge that it’s hard enough to make a conventional relationships work, what more is the long distance one? It is definitely harder if the couples are miles or ocean apart from each other. However, there’s still a huge chance for a long distance relationships to succeed and survive as long as you are willing to work it out.
As a long distance couple, think of some options to keep the good communication. Since you won't be seeing each other, it's important to establish and maintain an emotional connection. These don't always have to be long, in-depth conversations. Sharing simple things could be of help. Technology plays an important role as well. Make sure to spare enough time to talk and see each other through internet. E-mail is great so make sure you use it, especially if long-distance phone calls put a strain on your budget. You can write love letters as well. Send small gifts or flowers for no reason. In this case, quantity is as important as quality. You may discover an advantage over others whose partner is close at hand—you don't take communication for granted. Talk about your future together as often as you could . Assuming that ultimately you'd want to live together, discussing how you're going to get to that point will help you prove to each other that the relationship is going somewhere and that your efforts and frustrations are not in vain.
In this kind of relationship, patience, too, is a must. A bunch of sacrifice exists. If it takes a year or more to see each other again, then wait patiently. Keep yourself busy with interesting things to set you away from the feeling of being alone. Don’t give a chance of boredom and negativity to grow in your system for this would just destruct you. Positivity is essential to keep your relationship grow and bloom more. Being away from your partner is not an issue at all.
Trust each other. Don’t let jealousy ruin your healthy relationship. Think in a mature way and be realistic of the difficulties ahead being into a long distance relationship. It always helps if you go in a relationship with the idea that everyone is innocent and worthy of trust until proven otherwise. Always give your partner a benefit of a doubt. Being overly suspicious is unhealthy for you and your relationship.
Try to follow this advice, surely you will be on the right track to making your long-distance relationship last. Even better, it may end someday with the two of you finally in the same place, having learned so much more about each other simply because you had to put in a bit more effort. Have hope.

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